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Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah to Challenge Finance Bill 2024 Over Lack of Appropriation Act

Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah to Challenge Finance Bill 2024 Over Lack of Appropriation Act

Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah announced on Sunday, May 12, his intention to legally challenge the Finance Bill 2024 if the Appropriation Act is not passed. 

Speaking exclusively to Gossipa2z.com, Omtatah expressed his concern over the proposed tax hikes, which he deemed illegal.

Questioning the motives behind the tax increases, Omtatah highlighted the absence of revenue estimates presented to Parliament by President William Ruto’s administration. 

He emphasized the necessity of establishing the Appropriation Act, which forms the foundation for the Finance Bill.

Omtatah stressed the importance of disclosing revenue estimates within the Appropriation Act, without which he vowed to oppose the Finance Bill in its entirety. 

He criticized the Kenya Kwanza administration for repeatedly presenting budget expenditures without corresponding revenue sources to Parliament.


Explaining the significance of the Finance Act, Omtatah underscored its role in generating revenue to fund the budget, as mandated by the Public Finance Management Act. 

He argued that the failure to establish the Appropriation Act before presenting the Finance Bill contradicts constitutional provisions outlined in Articles 220 and 221.

Referring to Article 220 Clause 1A, Omtatah highlighted the requirement for national and county government budgets to include revenue and expenditure estimates

Furthermore, he cited Article 221 Clause 6, which mandates the inclusion of approved expenditure estimates in an Appropriation Bill introduced to the National Assembly.

Omtatah criticized the Kenya Kwanza administration for consistently producing budgets lacking revenue provisions, holding them accountable for the discrepancy. 

He emphasized the need for Ruto’s administration to recognize the Finance Act as a means to raise approved revenue.

Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah to Challenge Finance Bill 2024 Over Lack of Appropriation Act