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Budget Battle: NA Committee Blocks Revenue Bill Amendment

Budget Battle: NA Committee Blocks Revenue Bill Amendment

In a fervent session within the National Assembly, members of parliament from the ruling Kenya Kwanza coalition vehemently opposed amendments, citing the country’s financial constraints, arguing that only 391 billion shillings would be directed towards counties.

Conversely, MPs aligned with the Azimio coalition have thrown their support behind the Senate’s proposal, contending that counties require more resources to manage crucial functions that directly impact Kenyan citizens.

The persistent deadlock over resource allocation between the national and county governments has resurfaced yet again, sparking contentious debates. This latest episode saw the National Assembly Budget and Appropriations Committee dismissing a proposal on resource allocation, igniting a standoff over the revenue bill and further deepening the divide between the two legislative chambers.

Ndindi Nyoro, the Chairperson of the Budget and Appropriations Committee, suggested mediation as a means to address the crisis.


On Monday, July 15th, 2019, Members of Parliament, Senators, and the Council of Governors staged a march to the Supreme Court, reflecting their frustration with the situation in their respective counties, where activities were at risk of grinding to a halt due to the Revenue Bill crisis.

Despite engaging in mediation talks, both the National Assembly and the Senate have remained entrenched in their positions regarding proposed allocations for the 2019/2020 financial year.

Initially proposing 310 billion shillings, the National Assembly adjusted its offer to 316 billion shillings, but this figure fell short of the Senate’s proposed 327 billion shillings.

The National Assembly contends that its proposal aligns with the current funds available at the National Treasury, emphasizing that the Governors sought the court’s intervention based on the Division of Revenue Act 2018, which stipulates that any revenue shortfall should be covered by the national government, rendering the reduction in county funds unjustified.

Budget Battle: NA Committee Blocks Revenue Bill Amendment