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HomeNewsBondo Residents Storm CDF Offices, Protest MP's Finance Bill Support with Coffin...

Bondo Residents Storm CDF Offices, Protest MP’s Finance Bill Support with Coffin Display(Video)

Bondo Residents Storm CDF Offices, Protest MP’s Finance Bill Support with Coffin Display

On Friday, June 21, a group of Bondo residents in Siaya County stormed the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) offices, protesting against their MP Gideon Ochanda’s support for the Finance Bill.

The protestors were seen carrying a brown coffin with the legislator’s name inscribed on it as they marched towards the MP’s offices to deliver their message.

Expressing their anger, the residents called for the immediate resignation of the lawmaker, branding him a traitor.

The predominantly male protestors also displayed large placards with the MP’s name, voicing their discontent with Ochanda’s controversial vote.

The residents argued that Ochanda’s support for the contentious bill did not reflect their wishes as constituents.


Despite police efforts to prevent their entry into the offices, the determined protestors remained outside, holding the coffin aloft to signify their intent to remove him from office.

Similarly, in Kwale County, youths staged a protest on Friday morning along the path leading to Msambweni MP Feisal Badir Abdalla’s office.

The youths accused the MP of betrayal for reportedly voting ‘yes’ on the bill during their demonstration.

Carrying twigs and placards, the demonstrators tried to storm the MP’s offices but were quickly dispersed by alert police officers.

These events unfolded as legislators approved the Finance Bill, despite widespread protests nationwide.

On Thursday evening, the National Assembly moved the bill to its second reading after a majority of MPs voted in its favor.

A total of 204 MPs voted for the Bill, and 115 voted against it, with no abstentions.

Bondo Residents Storm CDF Offices, Protest MP’s Finance Bill Support with Coffin Display