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Babu Owino Vows to Oppose Raila’s Endorsement of Joho and Oparanya as ODM Successors

Babu Owino Vows to Oppose Raila’s Endorsement of Joho and Oparanya as ODM Successors

On Monday, March 11, Babu Owino, the Member of Parliament for Embakasi East, rejected the recent approval by Raila Odinga, the leader of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party, of former governors Wickliffe Oparanya and Hassan Joho as the party’s new leaders.

In an interview with Ramogi TV, the lawmaker asserted that the ODM leader may have inadvertently omitted his name when selecting the two politicians to assume control of the party leadership.

The legislator, when considering the issue, emphasized the importance of his inclusion in the party leadership, pledging to resist the decision made by the Azimio leader.

“If Oparanya is seated there alongside Joho, I must also sit there! And that is the issue, otherwise, I said before that if I am not at the table we will break that table,” Babu Owino claimed.

“So I must also sit there because the writing is on the wall. We know who Kenyans feel should lead them.”

In justifying his position, the outspoken lawmaker emphasized numerous qualities that he claimed distinguished him as the preferred candidate to lead the party.


Babu Owino asserted that he possesses the strength, intelligence, and youth required to take on a leadership position from Raila.

The Member of Parliament additionally claimed that he enjoys widespread popularity among numerous Kenyans, a factor he contends adds to his position as the leading candidate for the top party position.

“Many Kenyans also love me. We want a leader who even if he goes to West Pokot, people can say that indeed that is a leader,” the lawmaker stated.

Babu Owino’s most recent action comes just four days after he expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of support within ODM, alleging that it was a politically orchestrated situation.

He associated the animosity with his firm insistence on support for a party stance in the National Assembly. Nevertheless, he made it clear that despite the discord, his connection with party leader Raila Odinga remained unaffected.

“I know very well I am not in love with the party, but that does not stop me from loving the party leader. I am looking at the bigger picture,” Babu stated.

Babu Owino Vows to Oppose Raila’s Endorsement of Joho and Oparanya as ODM Successors