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HomeNewsAzimio Politicians Clash Over Nakhumicha's Ouster

Azimio Politicians Clash Over Nakhumicha’s Ouster

Azimio Politicians Clash Over Nakhumicha’s Ouster

A rift has emerged in the Azimio coalition following the recent motion fronted by Embakasi East legislator Babu Owino to impeach Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha.

A section of Members of Parliament from the Western region have come out to defend the health CS, terming the impeachment motion as dead on arrival.

The motion by Babu Owino seeks the ouster of Nakhumicha from the role of health CS on grounds of incompetence and gross violation of the country’s health standards.

However, Babu Owino’s move has sparked fierce opposition from some of the MPs including those from the Azimio coalition who now want Babu Owino to drop the motion.

“There is no way we are going to allow our fellow MPs to impeach her, so the impeachment idea and motion is not there,” stated Tindi Mwale, Butere MP.

According to Kakamega Deputy Governor, Ayub Savula, there is no concrete reason for impeaching CS Nakhumicha.


Savula insisted that the doctors’ strike was a labor-related issue and that it had nothing to do with Susan Nakhumcha’s role as a health CS.

“We know she is the only minister representing us in the national government and we want her to stay there and perform. No one should use the excuse of a strike, a strike is a labor matter,” Savula noted.

The swift move comes three days after Babu Owino filed an impeachment motion against CS Nkahumicha. According to the legislator, since the start of the doctors’ strike on March 15, Kenyans have been unable to access medical care.

“Under Article 152(6) of the Constitution as read with Standing Order 66, I wish to notify you of my intention to move a Special Motion for the removal of the Cabinet Secretary for Health from office on two grounds,” read part of the notice.

Nakhumicha was also accused of exhibiting incompetence by failing to end the strike which has since entered its third week.

Babu Owino further faulted the Health CS for failing to honor the doctors’ Collective Bargaining Agreement, Nakhumicha has several times threatened to sack the striking doctors in the case they failed to report back to work. 

Azimio Politicians Clash Over Nakhumicha’s Ouster