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HomeNewsArchbishop Criticizes President Ruto’s Plan to Deploy Kenyan Police to Haiti

Archbishop Criticizes President Ruto’s Plan to Deploy Kenyan Police to Haiti

Archbishop Criticizes President Ruto’s Plan to Deploy Kenyan Police to Haiti

Anglican Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit has criticized President William Ruto’s plan to send Kenyan police officers to Haiti.

In a decision that has sparked significant debate within Kenya, Ole Sapit contended that deploying police officers to the Caribbean country is a misplaced priority.

“It doesn’t make sense to send troops to Haiti when we have insecurity problems across the country, especially in the North Rift,” Ole Sapit said. He urged the government to ensure better security across Kenya while considering sending troops to Haiti.

The deployment has been met with strong opposition from Kenya’s lawmakers, human rights groups, and legal professionals, yet Ruto remains determined.

Critics argue that Ruto’s government is failing to secure Kenya and is participating in the initiative for financial benefits. They also highlight that deploying police officers to Haiti violates the constitution, which mandates only the military for such assignments.


During a joint appearance with US President Joe Biden in Washington, President William Ruto defended the decision, portraying Kenya as a benevolent provider of humanitarian aid.

Ruto asserted his commitment to addressing banditry in the North Rift, having already deployed 3,000 military personnel and 2,000 police officers to the troubled region.

“I committed to the people of Kenya to resolve insecurity in the North Rift. Action has followed my words. Currently, 3,000 military officers and 2,000 police officers are stationed there. We have also renovated and reopened numerous schools,” Ruto stated during his US tour.

The Head of State emphasized the importance of securing Kenya’s borders and supporting allies worldwide.

A contingent of 1,000 Kenyan police officers was scheduled to depart for gang-ridden Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on May 23, but the flight was delayed.

The officers selected for deployment to Haiti will come from the elite Recce squad, Rapid Deployment Force, and Special Operation Group.

Archbishop Criticizes President Ruto’s Plan to Deploy Kenyan Police to Haiti