Raila Odinga’s Tax Plan Resistance Puts President Ruto’s Agenda at Risk

HomePOLITICSRaila Odinga's Tax Plan Resistance Puts President Ruto's Agenda at Risk

Raila Odinga’s Tax Plan Resistance Puts President Ruto’s Agenda at Risk

As a result of the exposure of an opposition plot. To filibuster the passage of the contentious Finance Bill 2023 by introducing a deluge of amendments. A major showdown is imminent in the House of Representatives on Tuesday.

GossipA2Z has learned that the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition. Has instructed its members to employ delay tactics that could cause the Committee of the Whole House session to run late into the night. And possibly experience major disruptions.

Even though the Raila Odinga-led team is preparing court documents to challenge some of President Ruto’s controversial tax measures. They are likely to lose the vote due to Kenya Kwanza’s numerical advantage in the National Assembly.

A representative of Azimio disclosed that the coalition intends to force a vote. On each clause of the Bill in the Committee of the Whole, where members vote on each clause individually.

“Our members have been instructed to force a vote on each clause. We will ensure that every clause receives a vote. We also anticipate a full House on that day following the rebuke of members who skipped the previous vote, so it will take longer to vote on a single clause,” said an unnamed official.

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Controversial Bill

Otiende Amollo, a Rarieda representative, confirmed the strategy by disclosing that a large number of Minority members have prepared amendments to the controversial bill.

“At the Committee of the Whole stage, any member may introduce an amendment at his or her discretion. “I am aware that members of the Minority have proposed numerous amendments,” Dr. Amollo stated.

While conceding that the opposition may not have the required number of votes to prevent the passage of the bill, the senior counsel for the coalition stated that the coalition is considering going to court to challenge both the content of the bill and the voting procedure during the second reading.

“With these numbers, even if all absent members, including those from Kenya Kwanza, voted against the Bill, the ruling coalition would still prevail in this matter. But I can assure you that we have other options,” the MR said.

“Senator Okiya Omtatah is currently present, and we are in consultation with him. I will join the team that is already in court,” he said.

John Mbadi, chairman of the ODM, asserted that the Bill was not introduced in the House by the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act of 2012 and the Standing Orders, which could also serve as the basis for the legal dispute.

Mr. Mbadi stated that the Bill violates the amended PFM Act section 40 and Standing Order 244 (c) (4), which stipulates that the National Treasury Cabinet Secretary must introduce the proposed legislation after the budget highlights speech.

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Section 40 (3) of the PFM Act states, “On the same date that the budget policy highlights and revenue-raising measures are announced, the Cabinet Secretary shall submit to Parliament the Finance Bill outlining the revenue-raising measures for the national government, along with a policy statement explaining these measures.”

However, the ruling coalition dismissed opposition claims yesterday and vowed that the bill will become law this week.

National Assembly Chief Whip Silvanus Osoro (South Mugirango), Eldas MP Aden Keynan, and Zaheer Jhanda (MP, Nyaribari Chache) stated that the vote on Wednesday confirmed the bill’s overwhelming support among legislators.

Among the 257 members present during the vote, 176 MPs — primarily from Kenya Kwanza — supported the Bill, while 81 MPs — primarily from the opposition Azimio — voted against it.

Mobilizing members

Mr. Osoro stated that Kenya Kwanza is prepared and is already mobilizing members of the House, including opposition members, for the crucial vote that will enact the Bill.

According to him, the Departmental Committee on Finance and National Planning has amended some of the contested clauses, accusing the opposition of engaging in propaganda and misunderstanding regarding the proposed tax measures.

“We have mobilized our members and are prepared to pass the Bill. “As a government, we cannot lose,” said Mr. Osoro.

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He added, “There have been numerous misunderstandings regarding the Bill. It must be clear that government services are dependent on tax revenue. We have amended several clauses, including the reduction of the Housing levy from three to one and a half percent.”

Mr. Keynan stated that the Bill enjoys overwhelming support in the House of Representatives and urged the opposition to cease engaging in needless political theater.

The bill proposes a realistic, objective, and painful sacrifice for the ultimate social and economic development of our nation. Mr. Keynan stated that the tax measures contained in the Finance Bill of 2023 are necessary steps in our long-term vision that will ultimately bear fruit.

Mr. Jhanda exuded confidence that nothing could impede the bill’s passage, given the number of MPs who support it.

“The Finance Bill will pass with over 200 votes on Tuesday.” Mr. Jhanda stated, “There comes a time when we must make difficult decisions for the nation to rise, stop borrowing, and build a stronger revenue base to finance the robust housing project, universal health coverage, infrastructure, and better service delivery to the people.”

However, National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi warned that if the ruling coalition pushed the bill through, they would resort to alternative measures.

Although he declined to disclose what the Azimio coalition has up its sleeve, Mr. Odinga indicated the opposition may be compelled to call for a new round of mass action to demand a reduction in the cost of living.

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“It has not ended until it has ended. “We intend to engage with the Bill and its proponents throughout the proceedings of the House Committee on the Whole and beyond,” Mr. Wandayi stated.

He added, “As legislators, we only exercise delegated authority. In situations such as the current one, where Parliament has betrayed the people by ignoring their input on the Finance Bill, the people can reclaim their authority and exercise it as they see fit.

Wiper Secretary-General and Makueni Senator Dan Maanzo told Sunday Nation that the party has instructed its members to be present for the crucial vote.

He stated that the party has instructed its members not to leave the chamber to prevent a repeat of Wednesday’s vote, in which 85 members were absent.

Mr. Maanzo cautioned coalition members not to leave the chamber the next time, as a vote may be called on any matter under discussion. “We have instructed our members to be vigilant the next time,” he said.

Minimal wiggle room

However, Democratic Action Party of Kenya (DAP-K) Secretary-General Eseli Simiyu acknowledged that the opposition has little room for maneuvering.

He stated that Kenya Kwanza will have the upper hand on the House floor.

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“The third reading is a mere formality. Mr. Eseli stated that the Minority’s attempts to amend the constitution would be futile and that Kenya Kwanza would use this to further humiliate the minority.

Another defeat in this Bill will be a major political setback for Mr. Odinga and his co-principals in their effort to persuade President Ruto to reduce the cost of living, given the failure of the bipartisan talks intended to address the soaring cost of basic food items.

Mr. Odinga has been led in circles by the government side during talks on the post-election crisis he precipitated by rejecting President Ruto’s victory in the August 9, 2022 elections, leaving him with few options for dealing with the new administration.

Mr. Odinga’s fortunes in Parliament have continued to deteriorate after several of his partners abandoned him in the run-up to the last election.

Currently, the coalition is fending off a determined effort by Jubilee MPs allied with Dr. Ruto to remove the former ruling party from the opposition coalition.

Raila Odinga’s Tax Plan Resistance Puts President Ruto’s Agenda at Risk