Mature Content: Unveiling the Mackenzie and Ezekiel Odero Doctrines

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Mature Content: Unveiling the Mackenzie and Ezekiel Odero Doctrines

Good News International (GNI) Ministries, the controversial church associated with Paul Mackenzie, restricts membership to adults over the age of eighteen, it has come to light, raising questions about how the minister convinced minors to engage in major doctrinal issues such as fasting.

A copy of Pastor Ezekiel Ombok Odero’s and Newlife Prayer Centre and Church’s constitutions. Obtained by GossipA2Z sheds light on the operations of the two religious institutions. At the center of the storm in the wake of 201 shocking deaths in Shakahola Village, Kilifi County.

According to the bylaws that Attorney General Justin Muturi submitted to the Senate Ad hoc Committee on Wednesday, Mackenzie’s ministry’s objectives include praying for the sick and assisting the needy.

Mackenzie is currently in custody for the alleged starvation-related deaths of two children.

The committee led by Senator Danson Mungatana of Tana River is currently investigating the causes of the deaths and the proliferation of religious organizations that have led to the growth of what its chairman has termed “dark doctrines” in the country.

This provision in the church’s bylaws is likely to spark a public uproar, as it appears the pastor acted contrary to the bylaws when he ordered the children to fast.

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It is also tasked with establishing and operating branches of society. Training and instructing leaders, organizing prayer meetings, and publishing Christian literature. Such as books, stickers, magazines, and other publications and expressions.

As part of its mission, the Church also operates conference centers, amusement parks, entertainment, amusement parks, and resorts.
Part 3 (a) of the GNI ministries’ constitution restricts membership to those over the age of 18.

“Such a person shall be eligible for membership in the society, and shall be subject to the approval of the [executive] committee or joining after prayers,” the provisions state in part.

Part 3 (b) of the constitution specifies the conditions under which a member may be expelled from the church.

“Any member may be expelled from membership if the committee so recommends and if the general meeting of the society is resolved by a two-thirds majority of the members present,” it adds.

However, it stipulates that a member will be expelled if his or her conduct “has adversely affected the reputation or dignity of the society” or if he or she has violated any provision of the society’s constitution.

Mackenzie is listed as the Ministry’s chairman. But the whereabouts of some founding members and members of the executive committee are unknown. As they have not been seen since the deaths sparked public outrage.

None of the individuals listed in the ministry’s official documents at the Office of the Registrar General are in custody with Mackenzie.

In the documents presented to the committee, Mr. Raphael Riziki Baya. Whose occupation is DSTV Installer, is listed as the vice chairman, Mr. Smart Deri Mwakalama, a hotelier, is listed as the secretary. And Ms. Lucia Wanjiku Kinuthia is listed as the assistant secretary. There is no mention of her occupation in the records.

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Mr. Sebastian Kashero, identified as an accountant, is the Treasurer, while Mr. Alexander Muema Musango, a businessman, is the assistant treasurer.

Jane Joram, the Registrar General, informed the committee that in May of 2022. Members of the church attempted a coup to overthrow the officer bearers.

Ms. Joram did not disclose the identities of the conspirators or whether Mackenzie was among those to be removed. But her office rejected the coup because those behind it did not follow the procedure outlined in the church’s constitution. For changing the name and removing officeholders.

Those who attempted the coup had also intended to change the organization’s name. To the City of Deliverance Church, according to the records the committee is currently examining.

While Pastor Ezekiel declares his Newlife Church to be non-profit and non-political. The organization’s display of wealth and association with political heavyweights has given the impression that it violates its constitutional mandates.

The church was registered on September 11, 2012, and its physical address is listed as Plot No. 916, Shanzu, Mombasa County. Even though it operates out of Mavueni, which is located in the neighboring Kilifi County.

As the organization’s founder, Pastor Ezekiel is listed as the chairman in the registrar’s office’s records.

The vice chair is Moses Onyango Okendo, the secretary is Alice Nafula Wanyama, and the treasurer is Frankline Kilonzio Mbuvi. All of the individuals listed are businesspeople.

Mature Content: Unveiling the Mackenzie and Ezekiel Odero Doctrines