Chief Justice Orders Closure of Makeshift Courtrooms Following Tragic Incident

HomeNewsChief Justice Orders Closure of Makeshift Courtrooms Following Tragic Incident

Chief Justice Orders Closure of Makeshift Courtrooms Following Tragic Incident

Chief Justice Martha Koome issued an order on Monday, June 17, to close down all temporary courtrooms that judges and magistrates have been using due to inadequate infrastructure. This decision came after Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti was fatally shot in one of these makeshift structures.

The directive to cease using makeshift courtrooms was made by CJ Koome herself. She emphasized that judicial services will no longer be conducted in such inadequate facilities.

CJ Koome also highlighted the Judiciary’s longstanding requests for funding from the Executive and Parliament to improve court facilities. She expressed disappointment over the slow allocation of funds, which has hindered the efficiency and safety of judicial operations.

She vowed that the Judiciary will prioritize the security of its personnel, especially in areas with inadequate infrastructure, and will no longer compromise by using makeshift structures.


Reflecting on the tragic incident involving Magistrate Kivuti, who was shot while holding court in a tent during the lunch hour on Thursday, June 13, CJ Koome stressed the importance of honoring her commitment to upholding the rule of law.

To commemorate Magistrate Kivuti’s dedication, CJ Koome announced that Tuesday, June 18, would be a day of mourning, remembrance, and prayer. Court sessions would be suspended nationwide on that day.

Beginning Wednesday, June 19, all courts across the country, except for Makadara Law Courts pending security re-evaluation, will resume operations. CJ Koome directed judges, judicial officers, and staff to utilize virtual courts and permanent, secure facilities for dispensing justice, now that makeshift structures are being eliminated.

Earlier, the Inspector General (IG) of Police, Japhet Koome, reassured CJ Koome of the safety and security of judicial staff. He affirmed the commitment of the National Police Service to collaborate with the Judiciary and the National Council on Administration of Justice to enhance security for court users and judicial personnel in light of evolving crime trends.

Chief Justice Orders Closure of Makeshift Courtrooms Following Tragic Incident