Deputy President’s Office Seeks Ksh.1.12 Billion for Renovations, Karen Residence

HomeNewsDeputy President's Office Seeks Ksh.1.12 Billion for Renovations, Karen Residence

Deputy President’s Office Seeks Ksh.1.12 Billion for Renovations, Karen Residence

The office of the Deputy President is currently requesting Ksh.1.12 billion for renovations at both the Harambee Annex office and the Karen residence.

In the 2024/2025 budget estimates, the Deputy President’s office defended this proposed expenditure, citing the age and poor condition of the offices.

Patrick Mwangi, a representative from the Deputy President’s office, appeared before the National Assembly Committee on Administration and National Security to request Ksh.460.4 million for renovations at the Harambee Annex offices and another Ksh.660 million for refurbishments at the Karen residence.

During the session, led by Narok West MP Gabriel Tongoyo, the committee expressed surprise at the large sum requested for renovations, questioning why such expenditures were necessary given the calls to reduce public office spending.

Tongoyo specifically inquired about the details of the renovations, noting concerns such as non-functioning lifts, particularly given that the building is not yet ten years old.


However, Mwangi defended the proposed expenditure, highlighting the long-term neglect of the building, which he argued necessitated significant renovations targeting essential functional areas and security systems.

In the 2024/2025 annual estimates, the Deputy President’s office has been allocated Ksh.300.4 million for development purposes.

Additionally, the office is seeking Ksh.250 million to lead efforts in combating alcohol and substance abuse.

During the hearing, it was revealed that this funding had already been withdrawn under Article 223, which permits government spending outside the budget, to seek parliamentary approval afterward.

Mwangi emphasized to the committee the severity of alcohol and substance abuse as a national security concern, noting the involvement of various offices, including that of the Deputy President’s spouse, Pastor Dorcas Rigathi, in addressing this issue.

He underscored the importance of the ongoing fight against alcohol and drug abuse, highlighting its significant impact on reducing and controlling alcoholism.

Deputy President’s Office Seeks Ksh.1.12 Billion for Renovations, Karen Residence