Ambassadorial Nominees Grilled On Diplomatic Credentials, Integrity

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Ambassadorial Nominees Grilled On Diplomatic Credentials, Integrity

The suitability test for ambassadorial nominees continued for the third day, with five candidates appearing before the Departmental Committee on Foreign Relations.

David Kiplagat Kerich, the nominee for Kenya Embassy in Washington DC, faced rigorous questioning regarding his diplomatic credentials and ability to navigate delicate diplomatic terrain in America, the global superpower.

During the session, Yusuf Hassan, MP for Kamukunji, raised concerns: “Mr. Kerich, can you elaborate on your experience dealing with complex diplomatic matters?”

In response, David Kiplagat Kerich addressed the committee confidently: “I have extensive experience in international relations and believe I can effectively represent Kenya’s interests in the US.”

Kerich, a lawyer and former Baringo County Assembly Speaker, was further scrutinized due to an adverse report from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) linking him to irregularities in a Ksh 100 million rehabilitation project in Baringo County.

Fredrick Lusuli, MP for Shinyalu, pressed on the issue: “Mr. Kerich, how do you respond to the allegations of irregularities in the Baringo project?”


David Kiplagat Kerich responded unequivocally: “I am innocent of any wrongdoing and will cooperate fully with any investigations.”

Dr. Peter Mathuki, the immediate former Secretary-General of the East African Community and nominee for Moscow, Russia, faced questions about the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and its consequences.

Kirima Nguchine, MP for Imenti Central, sought clarification: “Dr. Mathuki, how would you navigate Kenya’s relationship with Russia during the current conflict?”

Dr. Peter Mathuki, the nominee for Moscow, assured the committee: “I will prioritize Kenya’s interests and seek to foster constructive dialogue in this challenging diplomatic environment.”

Former nominated lawmaker Halima Yusuf Mucheke, nominated for The Hague, Netherlands, also appeared before the committee and emphasized her commitment to representing Kenya with integrity on the international stage.

Halima Yusuf Mucheke stated firmly: “I am committed to representing Kenya with integrity and advancing our country’s interests in the international arena.”

On Tuesday, nominees for Abu Dhabi, Accra, Muscat, and the United Nations Environmental Program are scheduled to appear before the committee for their suitability tests.

Ambassadorial Nominees Grilled On Diplomatic Credentials, Integrity