Bangladesh Couple Deported for Attempting to Fly From Nairobi Using Fake Documents

HomeNewsBangladesh Couple Deported for Attempting to Fly From Nairobi Using Fake Documents

Bangladesh Couple Deported for Attempting to Fly From Nairobi Using Fake Documents

A Bangladeshi couple was deported from Nairobi while attempting to fly to Mauritius using fake documents.

The couple, however, was not deported to Bangladesh but to India, since they had Indian passports. Upon arrival in India, the police arrested the couple aged 24 and 30 on Saturday, February 17.

According to the police officials, the couple was flying in and out of several countries using fake documents. They also had fake India travel documents.

They were pretending to be Indian but were originally from Bangladesh. They acquired the Indian passport through fake documents and entered the country illegally.

The couple went to the UAE with fake passports before flying to Kenya. They had visas for the UAE and left for Abu Dhabi on December 21, 2023.

Police in India are investigating why the couple flew to UAE and Kenya and later attempted to go to Mauritius.

“We have arrested the two and are now finding out the purpose of their visit to UAE, Nairobi, and Mauritius,” Dhanajay Sonawane, the Senior police inspector of Sahar police station stated.


The Indian police officials have detained the two suspects who will be charged with cheating and forgery under the Indian Penal Code and Foreigner’s Act.

Per the Indian Foreigners Act 1946, anyone who knowingly uses a forged passport to enter India and stays illegally commits an offense and shall be imprisoned for not less than two years or more than eight years. They also risk a fine of not less than Ksh17,000 (10,000INR) or more than Ksh87,000 (50,000INR).

Meanwhile, according to the Penal Code, anyone who commits forgery and the documents used in cheating shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years and shall also be liable to a fine.

“Whoever commits forgery shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both,” reads part of the code.

On cheating, the Penal Code dictates that those found guilty should be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years and shall also be liable to a fine.

Bangladesh Couple Deported for Attempting to Fly From Nairobi Using Fake Documents