2027 Kalonzo-Wamalwa Plan Ignites New Rift in Raila’s Azimio Movement

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2027 Kalonzo-Wamalwa Plan Ignites New Rift in Raila’s Azimio Movement

A confidential strategy for a combined presidential candidacy in 2027 involving Kalonzo Musyoka from Wiper and Eugene Wamalwa from DAP-K has caused a new internal crisis within the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition led by Raila Odinga.

The two leaders of Azimio have collaboratively initiated campaigns to promote their coalition, causing a noticeable disturbance within the alliance.

Despite Mr. Wamalwa’s firm declaration to run for the presidency, Gossipa2z has devised a strategy to assume a subordinate role to Mr. Musyoka. This decision sidelines Mr. Odinga’s ODM and former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee party, the most prominent Azimio affiliates, from the equation.

Mr. Musyoka and Mr. Wamalwa’s delegations have already toured Kajiado, Kitui, Embu, and Meru, and they have scheduled a visit to Kisii County before proceeding to the Western region.

Although Mr. Odinga expresses a willingness to support Mr. Musyoka, he maintains that it is premature to engage in discussions about the 2027 elections. He emphasizes that he will make his stance known at an appropriate time.

“I have not said Kalonzo cannot be a presidential candidate. I have said we have come a long way. He has supported me and I can also support him,” Mr Odinga said.

Mr. Musyoka has supported Mr. Odinga in the past three consecutive elections, serving as his running mate in both the 2013 and 2017 presidential elections.

Mr. Odinga’s ODM party has already raised concerns about its role in the proposed Kalonzo-Wamalwa agreement, asserting that it is the most widely supported party within the coalition and should not be disregarded.

On Tuesday, Wycliffe Oparanya, the chairman of Azimio’s National Coalition Executive Council, expressed that while they have no intention of creating conflict within the coalition, it is acknowledged that ODM continues to be the most widely supported party in the group.

“We don’t want to antagonize anybody but we are watching the political scene keenly. Election is still very far and politics do change so it’s still too early to talk about 2027,” Mr Oparanya told Gossipa2z.

He went on: “We want a combination that will win, I may not be in that line-up but so long as it’s a winning formula that will make us be in government, so be it.”

Mr. Musyoka’s associate, Senator Enoch Wambua from Kitui and a member of the Wiper National Executive Council (NEC) has revealed the details of a Kalonzo-Wamalwa 2027 strategy.

“Kalonzo as you walk, I want to assure you that you will never walk alone. Wamalwa has a lot of faith in your leadership and he has said he will walk with you. Can there be a better ticket than this one?” Mr Wambua posed at a funeral in Kitui over the weekend.

He went on: “Let Azimio just declare Kalonzo-Wamalwa to go and seek the presidential seat and deliver it to us.”

While Wiper deputy chairman and Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior did not pronounce himself on the Kalonzo-Wamalwa ticket, he said “It is time to declare Kalonzo candidature.” But the push to have Mr. Musyoka declared as the opposition presidential flag bearer has already set tongues wagging in Azimio, with Mr Odinga’s allies alleging blackmail against him to endorse the Wiper leader.


On Monday, Siaya senator Dr. Oburu Oginga, who happens to be the older brother of Mr. Odinga, criticized individuals urging the ODM leader to declare his stance on the 2027 presidential candidate.

“You should not pressurize Raila to tell you that you are the one who is going to take over. No, just talk to people. If you force Raila to tell people that they should elect you as the presidential candidate without talking and convincing them, they will not vote for you,” Dr Oginga said in Homa Bay.

Dr Oginga even went further to state that “Raila is not expired, he is still strong,” an indication that the opposition chief could still throw himself in the ring.

“Let Raila also be on the ballot. Let us be democratic and select the best leader who will give us the leadership of this country. Let us give everybody a chance including Raila,” Dr Oginga asserted.

ODM National Treasurer Timothy Bosire emphasized once again that Mr. Odinga possesses the qualities necessary to become the president of Kenya and should not be pressured into endorsing someone else.

“The days for Raila to be president are coming. We believe in him. We know him as a humble, and witty person, a person who has sacrificed a lot for the country and who has the country’s interest,” Mr Bosire said.

Homa Bay Senator Moses Kajwang’ said: “It is completely out of order for leaders within our coalition (Azimio) to continuously blackmail Raila and the ODM party.”

He lamented that it was unfortunate that Mr Odinga was being put “in small corners everywhere he goes outside Luo Nyanza to leave the stage for others.”

However, Mr. Wamalwa, who is being considered as a potential running mate for Mr. Musyoka in the 2027 elections, hasn’t hesitated to support and stand up for the Wiper leader. During their visit to Meru County, he praised Mr. Musyoka’s accomplishments during his tenure as vice president under the Mwai Kibaki administration.

“You know Kalonzo’s record even when he served under Kibaki. Most of the things Kibaki did can be associated with him. It’s time to say the truth so that we can walk together,” the former Defense Cabinet Secretary said.

On Tuesday, Jubilee Secretary-General Jeremiah Kioni, Vice Chairman David Murathe, and Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua refrained from engaging in the discussion on the Kalonzo-Wamalwa ticket.

In January, Mr. Murathe suggested that the former prime minister possesses enough energy to potentially pursue the presidency once again.

“Raila will be the 2027 Presidential flag bearer. Those holding contrary opinions should pose or hold their horses. If Malawi people picked a President at 90, so what’s strange with Raila’s case,” he said during Mr Odinga’s 79th Birthday celebrations in Kilifi County last Month.

2027 Kalonzo-Wamalwa Plan Ignites New Rift in Raila’s Azimio Movement