Why I Chose To Work With Ruto Over Raila Ahead Of 2022 – CS Owalo

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Why I Chose To Work With Ruto Over Raila Ahead Of 2022 – CS Owalo

Eliud Owalo, the Cabinet Secretary for ICT and Digital Economy, has revealed the reasons behind his decision to collaborate with President William Ruto in the lead-up to the 2022 general elections.

The Cabinet Secretary (CS) chose to collaborate with Ruto, who was then serving as the deputy president, intentionally. This decision was driven by his desire for a transformation in the country’s political landscape.

Owalo, speaking on KTN News, expressed the belief that Ruto was the most suitable individual to instigate the desired transformation.

He observed that the nation’s political landscape has been dominated by tribal affiliations for an extended period, emphasizing the necessity for a transformation.

“When I decided to work with William Ruto he was deputy president in 2020. I made a deliberate decision to work with Ruto because I believed we needed an agent of change,” Owalo said.

“We needed a paradigm shift from politics of rhetoric, politics built around tribal enclaves and tribal chiefs to a politics that is more issue-based that will bring Kenya together and I felt that Ruto was the agent of necessity that we required for a presidential candidature perspective.”


Owalo asserted that he deliberately made a choice and did not undertake the action with the expectation of securing a position in the Cabinet.

He mentioned that he had previously contributed to influencing the nation’s direction while working in the private sector, and he was comfortable with that.

“That was a conscious decision I made based on conviction. It was not in anticipation of appointment to any position that was not my preoccupation and I’ve played a part in this country from a private sector perspective, Owalo said.

Owalo, once a trusted associate of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and a member of the ODM party, decided to leave the party in August 2019.

The management consultant, who is based in Nairobi, previously worked as a strategist for ODM and served as Raila’s assistant during the 2013 General Elections.

He was also in Nasa’s secretariat in the run-up to the 2017 election.

“My resignation is informed by the fact that my political ideology, convictions and belief no longer has convergence or depict and congruence and common denominator with that of the ODM party, its value orientation and practices,” part of Owalo’s resignation letter read.

Why I Chose To Work With Ruto Over Raila Ahead Of 2022 – CS Owalo