Nairobi Judiciary Official Arrested Demanding Ksh 400K Bribe

HomeNewsNairobi Judiciary Official Arrested Demanding Ksh 400K Bribe

Nairobi Judiciary Official Arrested Demanding Ksh 400K Bribe

EACC investigators arrested a Traffic Registry Court Assistant in Nairobi’s Makadara Law Courts on charges of soliciting bribes.

The EACC announced through its social media platforms that a legal officer known as AMH was apprehended on Friday following the receipt of a Ksh50,000 initial payment.

AMH was reportedly anticipating the settlement of a remaining amount of Ksh350,000 when investigators focused their attention on him.

Investigators additionally asserted that the accused had requested Ksh400,000 from a complainant to expedite services that should have been provided without any cost.

“EACC has arrested AMH who demanded Ksh400,000 from the complainant with the intent that, in consequence, he would expedite the printing and issuance of court proceedings in respect to the complainant’s court file,” EACC stated on Saturday.

The investigators apprehended the individual at the EACC Police Station for questioning and processing, initiating an inquiry into the matter.

The EACC did not disclose the methods used to monitor the suspect or confirm if the individual had been under its surveillance since the government expressed concerns about widespread corruption within the Judiciary.

President William Ruto and his supporters alleged that the Judiciary harbored corrupt judges and officials who were accustomed to accepting bribes in exchange for providing services.


“Legislative impunity, by its measures, is also unacceptable and so is judicial impunity. Corruption must not find refuge behind the shield of judicial independence” Ruto stated on January 3.

In her support, Chief Justice Martha Koome, who also leads the Judiciary, denounced the assaults and called on the head of state and other critics to provide proof of corruption allegations against the accused officials.

“Such complaints must be lodged and processed in the manner prescribed by the Constitution. The Commission will only act based on evidence and not on blanket statements or allegations that have not been substantiated.

“Doing otherwise will mean an overthrow of the Constitution and the rule of law. That the Commission will not do!” She lamented while speaking at the farewell ceremony of former Judiciary Chief Registrar Anne Amadi on January 12.

However, on Monday, January 22, the Executive, Parliament, and Judiciary convened at the State House in Nairobi and successfully resolved their dispute.

Ruto and Koome have concurred to formulate recommendations aimed at addressing corruption within a period of 30 days. These suggestions will then be submitted to the National Council of the Administration of Justice (NCAJ), overseen by Chief Justice Koome.

Nairobi Judiciary Official Arrested Demanding Ksh 400K Bribe