Why Atwoli wants charges against Brian Mwenda dropped

HomeNewsWhy Atwoli wants charges against Brian Mwenda dropped

Why Atwoli wants charges against Brian Mwenda dropped

The secretary general of the Central Organization of Trade Unions, Francis Atwoli, has urged the Law Society of Kenya to request the courts to dismiss all charges against Brian Mwenda Njagi.

Following the approval of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) framework by the Cabinet on Monday.

Expressing approval of the Cabinet’s decision, Atwoli suggested that the LSK should urge the courts to dismiss the charges against Njagi and follow the procedures outlined in the guidelines on RPL.

On Monday, President William Ruto led the Cabinet in approving, paving the way for the implementation of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) initiative aimed at acknowledging skills acquired in the informal sector.

“In this regard, COTU (K) calls upon the Law Society of Kenya, in supporting the move by the government to promote RPL, to beseech the courts to drop all charges against Brian Njagi and subject him to the various processes as contained in the guidelines on RPL,” Atwoli said.

On January 9, Mwenda received a directive to appear at the Muthaiga police station in response to an arrest warrant issued by the Makadara Law courts.

A Makadara law court warrant was issued because Mwenda reportedly did not attend the court hearing for plea-taking.

Prior Learning Recognition involves the identification, evaluation, and certification of an individual’s knowledge, skills, and competencies by specified standards or learning outcomes, irrespective of the time, location, or manner in which they were obtained.


In a statement released on Wednesday, Atwoli emphasized that the Cabinet’s approval of the RPL Framework is poised to guarantee that numerous young individuals, engaged in both the formal and informal sectors of the economy, attain a recognized qualification aligning with their expertise and capabilities.

He mentioned that this will aid in enhancing their chances of getting hired, moving around more easily, engaging in continuous learning throughout their lives, fostering social integration, and boosting their self-confidence.

Atwoli remarked that despite the impressive skills gained through hands-on experience, independent learning, and unconventional educational routes, numerous young Kenyans often face exclusion from formal sector opportunities due to the system’s usual emphasis on qualifications from conventional educational channels.

“RPL is a proven mechanism for recognizing the diverse learning pathways of our citizens and for harnessing the untapped talents that can drive our nation forward by the Bottom Up Transformation Agenda (BETA),” Atwoli said.

The leader of Cotu stated that, as an organization dedicated to workers’ rights, they have long supported the implementation of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) principle. This principle recognizes and appreciates the knowledge, skills, and competencies that individuals gain through unconventional learning routes.

The endorsement aligns with Ruto’s administration’s Bottom Up-Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA), which aims to foster economic revitalization and ensure comprehensive growth.

Why Atwoli wants charges against Brian Mwenda dropped