Kenyans Mock Moi University After Unveiling Multi-Million Gate

HomeNewsKenyans Mock Moi University After Unveiling Multi-Million Gate

Kenyans Mock Moi University After Unveiling Multi-Million Gate

Moi University on Monday unveiled the newly constructed gate at the main campus believed to cost several millions.

The institution held a handing-over ceremony alongside the contractors, showcasing the architectural marvel to the students and residents. Unknown to school management, the gate would soon become the topic of discussion.

The developments were met with criticism and mockery from a section of leaders and Kenyans who questioned why the government institution spent millions on the gate while some facilities were dilapidated.

The institution was also faulted for failing to invest in research facilities for their thousands of students. Further, observers questioned the need for a handing-over ceremony which adds to the cost.

“What nonsense is this?” posed Kileleshwa MCA Robert Alai.


Additionally, Kenyans pointed out that a section of the school lacked a perimeter wall urging the institution to also look into it to enhance the security of the students.

Kenyans also complained about how long it took to construct the said gate with some arguing it has been under construction since 2007.

The institution was also compared to other public universities that were launching innovations and conducting life-changing research while the school was unveiling a gate.

“Why improve the gate instead of using the money to revamp the living standards of hostels and lecture halls, something that will impact the students directly? one questioned.

On the other hand, the public institution was lauded for the changes that would boost its appearance. It was also urged to look into more renovations to uplift itself to world-class status.

“Also improve other spheres of the university like modern engineering workshops, libraries, and libraries,” one person suggested.

Moi University management during the handover of the gate on Monday, December 11, 2023

Kenyans Mock Moi University After Unveiling Multi-Million Gate