Kirima Family Rejects Gov’t Talks, Calls Sonko Their Champion

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Kirima Family Rejects Gov’t Talks, Calls Sonko Their Champion

Reported negotiations between estate administrators, leaders, and residents unlawfully occupying a one-hundred-acre parcel of land that belonged to the late politician Gerishon Kirima have caused a segment of the Kirima family to distance itself.

Bishop Gathoni Kirima stated on Saturday that not all fifteen beneficiaries of the estate have approved of the negotiations ostensibly led by her sister Teresia Kirima, further adding that she was placing the cart before the horse.

Former Governor of Nairobi Mike Sonko is being considered by the family as their political champion.

“The administrators Teresia Wairimu and Anne Kirima are not acting on behalf of or not mandated to negotiate on behalf of the beneficiaries because the court has already distributed the property to all beneficiaries, and there are adults who are very capable of negotiating on their behalf,” said Bishop Gathoni.

According to Gathoni, the family plans to perform a land survey to determine the value of the parcel of land. Furthermore, they are seeking compensation from individuals who have unlawfully settled on the property at the prevailing market rate.


“These are people’s lives we are talking about but at the same breath it is our inheritance, that’s why we need to resort to a win-win situation after establishing who is on the ground and who has started the process of purchase for us to conclude,” she added.

Additionally, Gathoni, represented by attorney Evans Ondieki, declared that the family is amenable to pursuing its rights through political means.

“They have decided to appoint a champion for their interest…the champion is Mike Sonko, he has been successful in Waitiki, South B, and another Kirima property in Parklands,” stated Ondieki.

The predicament in the regions of Njiru and Mihang’o is the result of an almost ten-year legal dispute.

In the absence of a mutually agreeable resolution, the Environment and Lands Court in Kisumu ruled that the land belonged to the deceased politician and ordered all occupants to vacate the premises by December 31 of this year.

Kirima Family Rejects Gov’t Talks, Calls Sonko Their Champion