Nairobi CBD Smokie Vendor Carts Targeted by Destructive Kanjo Blitz

HomeNewsNairobi CBD Smokie Vendor Carts Targeted by Destructive Kanjo Blitz

Nairobi CBD Smokie Vendor Carts Targeted by Destructive Kanjo Blitz

Nairobi county officers, also known as Kanjos, were photographed vandalizing and seizing smokies vendor carts, causing concern among a portion of Kenyans.

The images depicted smoked meats and hard-boiled eggs strewn along the roadside as a county askari truck towed other carts.

If it is necessary to apprehend these individuals, please do so in a humane manner. Protect all enterprises, regardless of size. Their families’ survival depends on that.” A Facebook post by the philanthropist Ndungu Nyoro was reviewed.

Photo of Nairobi CBD Smokie Vendors Cart Vandalism on October 18, 2023

The activist also implored well-wishers to assist him in locating one of the vendors who suffered losses as a result of the raid.

“Someone has promised to help restock whatever was in the trolley if we can trace the owner. Do you know how we can reach him/her ndio watoto wasilale njaa?”


As officials were unavailable, attempts to contact the Nairobi County government to resolve the issues were unsuccessful.

To restore order in the city, the county had previously considered relocating all municipal merchants to back lanes.

Sakaja wished for the small-scale vendors to prosper in an orderly manner, so he authorized the relocation of 6,500 hawkers.

“We intend to relocate the hawkers and create order in the CBD as per our RRI targets,” Nairobi County Executive for Hustlers and Business Opportunities, Maureen Njeri stated on July 31, 2023.

Sotik Road, Dubois, Turkana Drive, Posta, and Kirinyaga Lane were designated for this initiative within the central business district.

Sakaja also increased the daily cess fees for merchants peddling sweets from Ksh20 to Ksh50 and the annual fee from Ksh2,000 to Ksh2,500. In addition, merchants selling food must now pay Ksh1,500 for a health certificate, up from Ksh1,000.

Photo of Nairobi Kanjo on a Patrol in CBD on October 18, 2023

Nairobi CBD Smokie Vendor Carts Targeted by Destructive Kanjo Blitz