Sakaja Under Scrutiny As Girl Dies After 4-Hour Pumwani Hospital Wait

HomeNewsSakaja Under Scrutiny As Girl Dies After 4-Hour Pumwani Hospital Wait

Sakaja Under Scrutiny As Girl Dies After 4-Hour Pumwani Hospital Wait

On Saturday, Senator Boni Khalwale of Kakamega took on Governor Johnson Sakaja of Nairobi, accusing him of failing to adequately staff Pumwani Hospital, resulting in high mortality rates at the facility.

The senator spoke at Shirotsa Village in the Khwisero Constituency during the interment of a 29-year-old woman who had died in the hospital.

According to reports, the woman and her expectant child perished following a four-hour wait for an operation at Pumwani Hospital.

The deceased was admitted to the hospital after developing complications necessitating a cesarean delivery.

“She found Sakaja had not employed enough doctors to undertake surgery operations. That is why the small girl was queuing in the line,” Khalwale told mourners at Kisa West region.

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The politician added that despite receiving funds from the National Government, all of Kenya’s governors had failed to effectively administer the health sector.

He also stated that no patient in Kenya should have to wait four hours for a life-saving procedure.

“If she had been operated on time, we would not be here today,” Khalwale stated while blaming Sakaja for the tragedy.

Health is a devolved function, so Governors are responsible for all hospital operations within their respective jurisdictions.

Pumwani Hospital has been the subject of controversy since the inception of devolution and has on multiple occasions been near to being permanently closed.

In 2018, the Senate criticized the Nairobi County Government for dereliction after reports highlighted the institution’s high infant mortality rate.

At the time, Senator Sakaja of Nairobi accused the county government of destroying the institution through mismanagement and theft.

Sakaja Under Scrutiny As Girl Dies After 4-Hour Pumwani Hospital Wait