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14-Year Dream Fulfilled: Butita Meets Steve Harvey

14-Year Dream Fulfilled: Butita Meets Steve Harvey

Content creator Eddie Butita was ecstatic after meeting American television host Steve Harvey.

Butita is part of the delegation accompanying President William Ruto on his official visit to the US.

He shared details of his conversation with Harvey, describing it as a dream fulfilled.

During their visit to the Tyler Perry Studio in Atlanta on Tuesday, Ruto and other leaders had the opportunity to meet the renowned TV host and comedian.

“Hey, I’ve seen you on YouTube,” Steve Harvey remarked to Butita.

Expressing gratitude, Butita thanked the President for facilitating the meeting, calling it a dream realized after 14 years.

Butita disclosed that he and Harvey discussed strategies for enhancing the entertainment industry in Kenya.

“We delved into ways of nurturing and empowering talents for entrepreneurial success in the entertainment industry. It’s not just about the show; it’s also about the business aspect, and I’m pleased that our creative talents are being considered in these discussions,” Butita explained.

Before departing for the US, Butita expressed his excitement and appreciation to the President for the opportunity.


“I’m departing for the USA today. I extend my gratitude to His Excellency President William Samoei Ruto for selecting me to accompany him on the state visit to the United States of America, hosted by President Joe Biden,” he stated.

“The inclusion of the creative industry in this official delegation underscores its significance, and we are pleased that our sector will be part of the discussions during this trip.”

This isn’t the first time Butita has interacted with the President.

In March, during a meeting at State House with the Facebook Management Team on monetization, Butita humorously advised Ruto to monetize his Facebook page for increased earnings.

Referring to a previous remark by the President about Butita’s earnings surpassing his own, the comedian quipped, “Last year, Mr. President, you mentioned that I earn more than your salary. I believe this year you might surpass me because now you have a Facebook page; all you need to do is monetize it.”

In jest, Butita suggested that the President could make “some good money after-tax” if he followed his advice.

In 2023, Ruto claimed that Butita was earning more from content creation than his earnings as head of state.

14-Year Dream Fulfilled: Butita Meets Steve Harvey